U.S. Steel Košice
We have coached the management of Division Plants and of Production Support (Central Maintenance) in the process of defining a new Model of Organization of Operations & Support. Essential parts of the new model are the Vision of operations and support, operational and financial goals to be achieved in five years, milestones, and new organization of production and support.
Basic components of the new model are the following:
- Autonomous maintenance
- Overall Equipment Effectiveness
- Planned Maintenance
- Management Development and Skills Training
- Simplification of administration and decrease of bureaucracy
- Continuous improvement process
- Equipment improvement for Maintenance
- Safety, Health, Environment
Project represents a significant change with influence on hundreds of employees. Workshops aimed at explaining the new vision and model are organized with all involved people. In parallel, the detailed implementation plan is being drafted. An internal Project Office and Team have been established to support implementation of the new model at four pilot units. Sponsor of this change project is Vice President Production. Management Systems continues providing support in detailed plan drafting, moderating workshops, and performing trainings.